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I m from india. ANd i wanna know the full procedure for opening indian restuarant in poland
I need to establish virtual company and get temporary residence permit. What would be your offer? [Read more]
Dear Mam/Sir, We would like to inquire on how to establish LLC company in Poland. We are currently based in UAE and has the same LLC company but we would like to expand our business. Do let us know the procedure and how much will it cost us. Thank you... [Read more]
Hi, I am 30 year old and I am Pakistani national. I am living in Ireland at the moment and want to setup a business in Poland. Can you help me get the Polish business visa? If you can please give the all details that what I need to do, what documents... [Read more]
Hi there, I am wondering that Poland is offering B category visa for Non EU at the moment for residence permits is that true or we got any other opportunities to migrate Poland? [Read more]