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Need to open company in Poland and send 1 employee for 1-2 years work permit for business in poland.
We are trading company, I am a Chinese,currently I am in China, we havent hire any employee yet. we are small company, we need an accounting firm provide simple accounting service. we will import several products and sell on amazon. please provide me the ... [Read more]
I am going to open a restaurant the month of november in poland. What type of visa i get and for how much duration? [Read more]
I am a Pakistan national, I am married with no kids, have done my BS in IT & have 13 years of work experience in Pakistan. I have visited Poland in 2017 wanted to apply for the TRP but my stay was very short. Now I am applying for 30 days Schengen Visa ... [Read more]
Dear Sir/ Madam I am Italy and now I am in Poland. I have some skill with non skill people they want to apply in Poland in different sector. So can you give me an appointment that I can meet with you and discuss all everything. [Read more]