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i need private limited compnay formation lituania all price qatations also time line aswell
What do I need to start a business in Lithuania ? I’m thinking of restaurant/cafeteria. Also, what if I opened a dental clinic there, am I allowed to practice? I’m an Egyptian dentist highly qualified( three master degrees) with 35 years of experienc... [Read more]
In India many company willing to enter your country market so they will need market research and after this your company connect Indian company with local buyers who can buy or import Indian company products.Some company may look for JVs also with Lithuan... [Read more]
Hi Dear Sir Would you please send me cost analysis for registering An UAB and to receive residence permit. Thanks Yours [Read more]
Hi. Dear sir. Ma\'am. I am interested to investment in Lithuania. But what is the procedure. Plz let me confirm the details. Regards. Shahzad Malik Pakistan. 0092 321 [Read more]