I am thinking to open a company that will invest in Crypto Currencies, buy and...

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  • Country of Interest: Poland flag
  • Looking for:
    • Company Registration
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  • Posted: 6 years ago

I am thinking to open a company that will invest in Crypto Currencies, buy and sell bitcoin and other coins and will invest in Blockchain technologies companies as well + offer marketing services in the industry. We don't Trade with margin. We simply buy the coins and keep it for capital gain growth, sometimes sell it again and can happen on daily base. I want to offer my services to Private investors: mainly Friends, Family and friends of friends that will inject money in the company. I would manage the money (mainly buying crypto, buying tokens and sell it) and get a % on the profit generated. Investors are resident of Israel, and some in Italy/europe. Shareholder only one, me. Not more than 10/15 people. And we don't promote the business to the public I would avoid countries where I need to take a license. I want a jurisdiction where I can manage funds of friends and family through this company without issues. What about Lithuania? Any other suggestion? I am talking about a boutique business that could probably start with 1M of funding , so very small and then grow. So cost of running something like that need to be reasonable. Would like to know where you suggest to open it, the cost of company incorporation, procedure and how long it takes to get it. And how it works taxes for foreigners. Firstly we are looking for Poland. Please advise. MOST important to understand which banks accept to work with a company that manages funds of people (friends and family in my case), banks that accepts Crypto Currencies investment business, and which banks accepts money that comes from Crypto Currencies Exchanges and goes to Crypto Currencies Exchanges. Please, be so kind to let me know. Thanks a lot

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