Hello, My name is Magda and I have encountered your website and hopefully, you can help...

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  • Country of Interest: Sweden flag
  • Looking for:
    • Company Registration
    • Residence Permit
    • Business Services
  • Posted: 6 years ago

Hello, My name is Magda and I have encountered your website and hopefully, you can help me with a few answers related to the services you provide. I am an EU citizen (Romania) and I am married to a NON-EU citizen from Iraq. We are currently living in Indonesia, but we plan to move to Europe and open a business in Sweden, Czech Republic or Germany. We are not 100% sure where, our first choice would be Sweden, but our issue now is the permits that my husband needs to obtain. I know that as an EU citizen it s easier for me to start a business, but considering the fact that my husband will be one of the owners of our future business, what must he do, what permits and visas does he need to obtain? And does he have to apply for the visa before or after registering and opening the business? Do you also offer assistance in applying for residence and work permits? Thank you very much, Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

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