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Hi, I am looking to get a settle and work in a europe country and which will be the low cost way ?
Would like to get residence through buying business in Lithuania or Sweden on or Norway, please do help in this regard I would like to invest 100000 euros. Suggest me the best running business. [Read more]
Dear Sir/Madam, I\'m from Pakistan and looking to work in Europe. I read information on your website and I\'m interested to get D Type visa, but I\'m looking to do a job not business. Please suggest me the right way and the total cost and how to star... [Read more]
Dear Sir/ Madam, I am from Nepal.Can you help me getting workpermit and visa for Lithuania .Thank you. Bharat Chauhan [Read more]
Hello, I am a resident of Denmark and my official partner, she is a Lithuanian citizen living with me in Denmark. My other family members living in a non EU country but we would like to run a business activity together in LT/Europe. The main goal is to ... [Read more]