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I want visit visa or invitation from Lithuania. Can you help me?
Sveiki, Indijos pilietis nori imigruoti į Lietuvą ir čia dirbti bei gyventi. Jis yra IT specialistas, turi darbo patirties. Ar Jūs galėtumėte jam šiuo atveju pagelbėti?Kokia būtų paslaugos kaina? [Read more]
if we buy business in Lithuania... do they grant permanent residency to Investors ? [Read more]
I need advice on Lithuania work permit, kindly provide the details asap. [Read more]
Hello, We are now considering expanding into European market. The business environment in Lithuania seems to be attractive. Therefore, we are now thinking if a regional office (i.e. something like LLC or a branch office) should be set up here. 1. Do yo... [Read more]