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Hello there, I am writing from Italy. I am interested to work in Poland. What should I do and how to start?
hello sir,I want Poland work permit visa .can you help me. [Read more]
I'm Indian and I'm graduate and I have 6 year experience in kitchen line as Indo-chinese chef. My age is 30. Am I am able to migrate to Poland? Should I find a job or open my own company? Please reply me as soon as possible. [Read more]
Hello i some question regarding residence permit in Poland . Is it possible for Iranian passport ? How much i well need to pay? After howlong iam able to get the polish passport? I dont want it for my self i have many people who wants a European resi... [Read more]
Pakistani national, residing in Pakistan. Want TR of Poland, will it require to come on visit visa 1st and then apply or can i start process from Pakistan? charges to start a company as per your prepared plan? your consultancy charges? & government charg... [Read more]