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Hello, I am from Northern Iraq, I am looking for work in Spain. How do I find work there?
Hi would like to apply for a temporary residence permit as I will be living in Barcelona. My business is in the UK and I will travel back to the UK sometimes for business. I will not work in Barcelona. I understand I need a Spanish bank account with suffi... [Read more]
Our company would like to export apparel products into Spain and UK, our company is registered in Qatar and Switzerland. What are the requirements and costs? [Read more]
Dear All, I am a Turkish citizien who has established a company in Barcelona. I would like to know that because of my company can ı get recidence permit? or as ı am told ıf ı buy a property value of 160k I might have a right to apply residence? Wha... [Read more]
Hello How many Euro need to start a business in spain to get temporary resident permit please inform me Thanks [Read more]