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Hi, can you tell me more about the residence permit in Poland? Also which country is the easiest to move to to start an online business?
i would like to setup a travel company in Poland, especially for Asian tourists. [Read more]
Hi, I am Bangladeshi. am interest Poland work permit visa. I know welding. And now working in Singapore. I can apply for work permit, how to do it? Can you help? [Read more]
We would like to hire one foreigner employee in Poland and for that we need a service that would register that employee to their address and do accounting, would that be possible? [Read more]
Dear Sir/Madam, This is Mahmood from Bangladesh and I wanted to get a voivode invitation letter from any employer in Poland so how can i get the letter of invitation for getting a work permit visa ? I hope you will give me a advice , a good way & easier ... [Read more]