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Dear Sir/Mam, I am from India, looking for a work permit in Slovakia both in skilled and unskilled category. how can you help me?
Hi , This is Sunny Kumar from India and I’m looking for employment contact and work permit in Lithuania, would you help me in this if yes then please revert back to me. Thanks! Best Regards Sunny Kumar + [Read more]
Hello, Dear Officer, I am working as health and safety trainer & consultant in UAE. I hold the Pakistani Passport but I am looking forward to move to Europe and I believe, Solvakia is one of the best option as I have visited Bratislave last year and... [Read more]
good day. We are a South African Based Firm and we have automotive manufacturing plant in Slovakia. Could you assist us with Short medium term work permits/ visas? [Read more]
Dear Sir/Madam, Hope this email finds you well. I am interested in Slovakian residency program, I want to obtain temporary and permanent residency for my family. Here in Iran some offices offer some services this about , But I prefer to know your answ... [Read more]