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i am 21 year old boy from pakistan i want to get a visit visa of lithuania i need whats app number for contack
I am from Cameroon, I need an assistance for an invitation letter to Lithuania. Thanks. Napoleon Bea. [Read more]
Hello,i wish to come to Lithuania on a visit visa.How can i get an invitation letter? Is there any agency or any individual who can provide the invittion letter? I am currently living in UAE. Kindly advice. Thank you. [Read more]
Dear Sir, Good Morning , and have a nice day. Please ensure me the following are 1.Group Invitation Letter 2.VISA Guarantee 3.If fail visa then refund policy 4.Total cost of Registration, Visa Cost, Accommodation, food cost . Your early response wo... [Read more]
hello, i am originally from Bangladesh currently living and working in qatar. i would like to visit Lithuania as tourist but i need some invitation letter from private person or organization. can you help me about it. [Read more]