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Get Lithuanian residence card. Please advice me on my options. Please contact me to discuss further.
Hello, This is Razib Md from Bangladesh. I am a residence holder of Lithuania upto 14/12/2018. I want to renew my resident permit. If you need more information, you can inform me and you also inform me total cost of my task. I am eagerly waiting for your... [Read more]
Hello, I am from Georgia and nowadays I live as a European Voluntary Service volunteer in Lithuania. I\'ve got national (D type ) visa for 1 year but deadline is the end of March, 2019. I\'d like to ask - after finishing my voluntary work, can I stay... [Read more]
i need Spanish residence permit, the ultimate aim is to get permanent residency and finally citizenship [Read more]
Dear Sir, i am from India, and i am interested in company registration in LITHUANIA or SPAIN , here i am a businessman, so please give me detail and total costing for that also i am interested in buying all ready registered company in any Schengen countri... [Read more]