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Hello, Looking for Poland TRP and company registration. What are your fees?
What is the price for buying a small business in Poland? [Read more]
Hi I am Alam, I live in France but I do not have any visa in my passport. I came here by road from other country. Is there any chance to get Polish Work Permit Visa? If you give me a proper guide I'll be very thankful to you. [Read more]
Hello Sir, I am Suvas Sarker. I am from Bangladesh. I want to work permit visa in Poland. Now How can you help me , to get me a work permit visa. [Read more]
Dzień dobry, nazywam się Anna, mam 16 lat i chciałabym uzyskać pozwolenie na zawarcie małżeństwa z obcokrajowcem(Egipcjanin, 26 lat, prawnik), ile czasu może to zająć oraz ile będzie kosztowało wynajęcie prawnika. Jakie documenty trzeba przy... [Read more]