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Hello Is it possible that this one year business visa and 2 subsequent years of residence permit will lead to a permanent residency?
Hi iam intrested in spanish 1 year business visa. I am from pakistan.could you plz tell me how can i apply and how much bank statement i need to show from can send me mail at Waiting for your reply Thanks Regards abbas dar [Read more]
Hello, I am from Philippines and I have temporary visa in Denmark. I got a job offer in Spain. What is the possibility for me? Can I go in there and what I am going to do? Thanks hope i get a good advice. [Read more]
Dear Sir, With regards i would like to know, how your organization can help me to open a new company or buy a company in Spain ? I live in Dubai, U.A.E. and i have my own business in Dubai with residence permit. [Read more]
Hello I am a self employed US citizen interedted in living in spain longer than the 90 day schengen period. Do you offer services to help me get the visa and the residence permit? Thanks, John [Read more]