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looking to buy a company with bank account and good history
What do I need to start a business in Lithuania ? I’m thinking of restaurant/cafeteria. Also, what if I opened a dental clinic there, am I allowed to practice? I’m an Egyptian dentist highly qualified( three master degrees) with 35 years of experienc... [Read more]
Hello, So I would like to inform you that my business in Greece is making imports from Asia and exports in Europe means TRANSIT TRADE. that's my job, but I would like to stop my business from. Greece because the economic crisis and capital Controls t... [Read more]
Can i get lithuanian residence based on buying an already running business? This means i dont need to wait 6 running months? Is there minimum requirements of capitalbor other requirements? [Read more]
Добрый день! Нам нужна информация по компании а именно кто числится Директор компании на данны день. Так же нам нужно заменить Директора в к... [Read more]