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I plan to visit Lithuania in a month. Kindly guide me regarding the procedure to obtain residence permit.
Sveiki, Indijos pilietis nori imigruoti į Lietuvą ir čia dirbti bei gyventi. Jis yra IT specialistas, turi darbo patirties. Ar Jūs galėtumėte jam šiuo atveju pagelbėti?Kokia būtų paslaugos kaina? [Read more]
Good morning, I live in Kaunas, I will need your advice on my temporary permit in Lithuania, basically am a student for 5 years in Lithuania, so please how can I apply for permanent permit in my case, please you can reach me. [Read more]
Greetings!! Hello, I am from India and would like to get assistance on the best possible opportunity in Lithuania/Gemany. Waiting for your reply!!! (+) [Read more]
Hi , I\'m an overseas education and job placement consultant from India. I just want to know about the details for work permit. Establishing company and other possibilities in Lithuania. Kindly contact me, Thanks , T. Suresh Bright education ... [Read more]