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I do have 8 years experience in housekeeping in worlds best hotels chain. Please suggest job in Poland.
Hi, I need to know the cost of creating company in Poland and cost for fast food business, requirements. Thank you. [Read more]
Hi, i wish to go to poland, lithuinia or latvia on a work permit. Is there a way I can travel to any one of the countries and do a little bit research and start a small takeaway or a small restaurant. Is there a posibility of getting a job contract and w... [Read more]
Dzień dobry, nazywam się Anna, mam 16 lat i chciałabym uzyskać pozwolenie na zawarcie małżeństwa z obcokrajowcem(Egipcjanin, 26 lat, prawnik), ile czasu może to zająć oraz ile będzie kosztowało wynajęcie prawnika. Jakie documenty trzeba przy... [Read more]
Hi, I am looking for a work permit or for temporary resident card in Poland. Apart from what would be the investment options to start a business in Poland. I would like to know the fees and the services for work permit/ trc and business options. [Read more]