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Hello, I from India, working in Ukraine. I am looking for health care job in Poland. Can u help me out?
I want a work permit in Poland under an existing company. [Read more]
hello sir, I'm from india. Can you please tell me the cost for starting a business and getting a temporary residence permit in Poland. also please let me know whether I can work in any company after getting the visa or I can do only business.. please g... [Read more]
Dzień dobry, nazywam się Anna, mam 16 lat i chciałabym uzyskać pozwolenie na zawarcie małżeństwa z obcokrajowcem(Egipcjanin, 26 lat, prawnik), ile czasu może to zająć oraz ile będzie kosztowało wynajęcie prawnika. Jakie documenty trzeba przy... [Read more]
I need business invitation to Poland and how much [Read more]