Good day, My name is Ruan and I am from Cape Town, South Africa. I...

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  • Country of Interest: Sweden flag
  • Looking for:
    • Work Permit And Visa For Foreigners
    • Immigration Advisers
  • Posted: 6 years ago

Good day, My name is Ruan and I am from Cape Town, South Africa. I am 30 years old and work as a software developer. I would like to know how the residence permits work as it feels like I am at breaking point with regards to my country. I live in constant fear and can't even plan for the future as calls for a civil war are escalating at an unprecedented rate. I have worked in America for +-26 months and have a great track record. I simply want to contribute to society, not fear for my life every moment, be myself and not live somewhere where the color of my skin dictates every aspect of my life. I don\'t even know where to start, so any advice would help so much. Thank you

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